My journey so far 🚀

Solutions Engineer @ Deloitte

> Excited to start!

Jun 2024 - Present

Portland, OR

Software Test Engineer Intern @ Intel Corporation

> Contract position. Developed scripts in Python and C to interface with hardware components on SoCs.

> Conducted performance tests on workload seeds, analyzing and measuring software performance across various power states.

> Configured and maintained Kubernetes clusters for testing, optimizing environments to ensure accurate results.

Jan 2023 - Oct 2023

Hillsboro, OR

Teaching Assistant @ Oregon State University

> Mentored over 70 students in a database design course.

> Hosted weekly sessions to review SQL queries and integration in full stack application.

Jun 2022 - Aug 2022

Corvallis, OR

COVID Case Manager @ Purdue University

> Devised quarantine and isolation plans for over 1,000 students and faculty.

> Worked with EMR systems to track cases and update patient statuses.

Sep 2020 - May 2021

West Lafayette, IN